Besides playing an active part in the life of the school, parents also contribute their time in order to maintain and operate the school. The list below explains these responsibilities:
• Volunteer/Co-op in Your Student’s Class: Each family must have a parent/guardian or caregiver assist the teacher in your student’s classroom on a rotational basis. You can expect to co-op 1 or 2 times per month in the 2-day Pandas class, 2 or 3 times per month in the 3-day Panda, Monkeys and Tigers classes, and 3 or 4 times per month in the 4-day Monkey or Tiger classes. Each co-oping adult must complete medical paperwork and be fingerprinted in accordance with State of Maryland requirements prior to the start of school.
• Bring Snack for the class: Families divide up the job of bringing in snack for the class. Each family signs up in advance to bring a healthy snack for their child’s class for a two-week period at a time. The teacher will provide a list of suggested snacks taking into consideration dietary restrictions and allergies.
• School Job: Each family is responsible for holding one school job, which vary in time commitment. Some of the jobs include serving as an officer on the Board, ordering and picking up supplies, assisting with fundraising, producing the newsletter, and serving as a class representative. School job descriptions and an opportunity to identify your preferred school job will be available in upon registration.
• Housekeeping: One adult from each family is required to participate in three Saturday morning school cleanings per year. These cleanings start at 8am and generally run for about 3 hours.
• Meetings: A parent/guardian or caregiver is required to attend all school general meetings. There are generally 2 general meeting per year, an Orientation in August and a general meeting in mid-May.